Social distancing A.I. app

Unleash live
Unleash live Publications
3 min readMay 5, 2020


Unleash live A.I. Apps store

Unleash live is working with governments and cities around the world to identify at-risk locations. Using our A.I. analytics platform to automatically determine the number of people at a given location, and the cohort of those people not conforming to the 1.5m social distancing guidelines, set out by authorities.

How it Works

Our solution uses an in-house A.I. model, rapidly developed in response to COVID-19 which detects individuals and groups of people with high accuracy.

For those familiar with A.I., you will know that all models are built with training data that guard rails the level of accuracy achievable on a given set of data. We’re pleased to announce that our “out of the box” solution is achieving high accuracy rate without the need for any customization across a wide range of locations, lighting conditions, and video clarity.

Social Distancing A.I. model at Bondi Beach Australia

Footage is ingested by the Unleash live backend and then processed by the newly created A.I., giving immediate feedback on the status for that location.

This feedback can take the form of automatically generated reports, notifications via your required channel (SMS, email, in-app), direct API access, or live dashboards.

CSV output example

Our customers are predominately connecting pre-existing CCTV / IP cameras from outdoor locations such as promenades, squares, entrances/exits to metro stations.

Fixed cameras are typically used when customers wish to gain longer-term insights such as trends, patterns, or changes.

Where real-time notifications are not required, we recommend reducing the number of frames being analyzed as this delivers strong results while reducing data load and costs.

Where customers are looking for super-fast situational awareness and existing cameras do not exist, they are utilizing drones to live-stream the footage straight into Unleash live. Receiving CSV based data in a matter of hours, where previously it would be a matter of days.

Government grade Security

Data security and privacy are trending topics, due to steps governments around the world are taking to get the data they need to make better decisions.

Unleash live uses the same world-class cloud provider (AWS) trusted by the US and Australian governments. Increasingly, we are facilitating requests to store data within specific borders under some of the highest security standards.


Captured user data privacy is another concern.

All data ingested by the Unleash Live backend is first anonymized to obfuscate personal data, such as faces or car license plates.

GDPR anonymizer on the Unleash live platform

This ensures that any data which is shared from our platform does not contain personal data, and only data returned by our A.I. Models — in this case, the number of people in a given scene, the number of “groups” consisting of more than one person in close proximity, and the size of those groups.

Learn more about how we approach privacy.

As countries and companies are coming out of lockdown, they are increasingly looking for reliable data points to inform decision making.

To ensure that we minimize the possibility of another outbreak, Unleash live is helping customers make better, faster decisions to help save lives and allow economies to stand up again.

Get Started with Unleash live

Visit to start your free trial or book a time with one of our specialists to answer any questions about the Covid-19 Solution.

